Friday, January 28, 2011

Oldest school in Miami-Dade

South Florida's historic schools build new legacies

In any social studies class in Miami-Dade, children might learn of World Wars I and II, the sinking of the Titanic or when the first World Series was played.
In many instances, teachers could simply point to the very walls of their classrooms, as several schools in Miami-Dade and Broward -- Miami Senior High, Fort Lauderdale High, Neva King Cooper School in Homestead and Coconut Grove Elementary -- actually predate these events.
Coconut Grove Elementary, for instance, is credited as Miami-Dade's first school, dating to 1887. Miami Senior High is the city's first high school, with its roots in a makeshift classroom in 1896.
It is this sense of history that has led many to champion the schools and fight to keep them intact. Some are also on the hunt for memorabilia, much of it lost to time.

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