Thursday, March 24, 2011

To the Top Kick Off

Dear Parents,Friends,Community,

Coconut Grove Elementary turns 100 this year! We are the oldest operating school in Dade County! Help CGES celebrate by doing your part to help the school renovate and update our media center through the Coconut Grove Elementary School Capital Campaign - also known as TO THE TOP!
TO THE TOP BEGINS MARCH 21, so please mark your calendar! Please fill out the form below and attach your check or cash donation. You can also pledge a stock donation or you may give online at

To the Top Kick Off!!! Your contributions are tax deductible and ANY amount is truly appreciated.

:• $100: Friend of CGES
• $250: Fellow of CGES
• $350: Stingray Society
• $500: Champion of CGES            100% of your donation goes to the Media Center!!!!
• $1000: Coconut Grove Heritage Society
• $2500: Corporate Sponsor
• $5000: CGES Founders Circle

Strengthen your commitment to Coconut Grove Elementary! Together we can do it and make CGES an academically superior school!
Warmest Regards,
Yvonne Carey-Lederer VP of Fundraising
Address:__________________________________ Phone:_____________________
Donation amount:______________________________________________________
Student’s Name and Grade:_______________________________________________
Please Specify either check or cash:________________________________________
Pledge a stock donation:________________________________________________

We are greatly appreciative of your interest in furthering the needs of the students at Coconut Grove Elementary School.
 Please find a list of items CGE PTA has paid for to date. Our media center is on the top of our priorities to update; electrical update, new tables and chairs, as well as a near overhaul of the book collection as students and parents have noticed many
of the books are vastly outdated. Our kids need your HELP!

Updated what CGE PTA has done so far.

What CGES PTA has accomplished for Coconut Grove Elementary School 2010-2011

We on the PTA board would like to offer a heartfelt thank you to all of our generous and hard working PTA volunteers. We have a lot to show and are very proud to have such dedicated supportive PTA members.
Take a look at what the CGE PTA has done so far this year!!!
*$3,500- Teachers Wish List- Help off set expenses for the classroom.
*$2,500- After school Tutoring
*$5,400- Media Center repairs- Electrical for the computer lab.
*$1,200- Awards-Pins and trophies for award ceremony.
*$700- Classroom book sets.
*$350- Special needs - Pay for children who can’t afford field trips.
*$5,000- Smarts Boards- 2 Smarts Boards,2 Projectors, installation.

* Uniform donation- Help children who can't afford uniforms.
*$500- Teacher of the Year- Awards and luncheon.
*$600- Local, State, National dues and insurance.
*$600-Beautification- Gardens and Butterfly garden
*$700- Books for Battle of the Books
*$1,500- Media Center -Purchase of new books
*$200- Attendance -Pizza Parties
*2,000- AR Enterprise - the testing program that allows the kids to read and test on over 100,000 different books
*$60- Spanish Heritage Month-Pizza Party
*$600- Holiday Program and Dinner
*$300- Principals Luncheon - Celebrate those children who make straight A1A-You go kids!
800- Harvest Fest- Purchased entertainment to help teachers raise money for classrooms..