Thursday, March 24, 2011

Updated what CGE PTA has done so far.

What CGES PTA has accomplished for Coconut Grove Elementary School 2010-2011

We on the PTA board would like to offer a heartfelt thank you to all of our generous and hard working PTA volunteers. We have a lot to show and are very proud to have such dedicated supportive PTA members.
Take a look at what the CGE PTA has done so far this year!!!
*$3,500- Teachers Wish List- Help off set expenses for the classroom.
*$2,500- After school Tutoring
*$5,400- Media Center repairs- Electrical for the computer lab.
*$1,200- Awards-Pins and trophies for award ceremony.
*$700- Classroom book sets.
*$350- Special needs - Pay for children who can’t afford field trips.
*$5,000- Smarts Boards- 2 Smarts Boards,2 Projectors, installation.

* Uniform donation- Help children who can't afford uniforms.
*$500- Teacher of the Year- Awards and luncheon.
*$600- Local, State, National dues and insurance.
*$600-Beautification- Gardens and Butterfly garden
*$700- Books for Battle of the Books
*$1,500- Media Center -Purchase of new books
*$200- Attendance -Pizza Parties
*2,000- AR Enterprise - the testing program that allows the kids to read and test on over 100,000 different books
*$60- Spanish Heritage Month-Pizza Party
*$600- Holiday Program and Dinner
*$300- Principals Luncheon - Celebrate those children who make straight A1A-You go kids!
800- Harvest Fest- Purchased entertainment to help teachers raise money for classrooms..

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